General Enquiries Form

Please use the general enquiries form to contact us about Council Tax, Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction and Business rates. The form can be used for all correspondence, you can report any changes you need to notify us about and upload and submit supporting documents.

Breckland general enquiry form

Evidence upload advice and information

It’s important that you provide your evidence in formats that the ARP can receive. This helps to avoid unnecessary delays.
Please note: The maximum size accepted per file is 10MB. Keep this in mind when uploading larger size evidence. Ensure you split the files up and number them accordingly.

Images and pictures

Image and picture files that are accepted are:

  • bmp (bitmap)
  • gif (graphics interchange format)
  • jpg or jpeg (joint photographic group)
  • png (portable network graphic)
  • tif (tag image file)

Image files can be changed to different formats using the ‘Save as’ function on desktops and laptops.

Taking pictures via your phone


By default, your iPhone will take pictures in a ‘high-efficiency image format’. These are usually abbreviated to HEIF. You can change the default format of your iPhone pictures to jpg using the instructions below:

  • Go to Settings on your iPhone.
  • Tap Camera. You will be shown some options like Formats, Grid, Preserve Settings, and Camera Mode.
  • Tap Formats and change the format from High Efficiency to Most Compatible.

Now all your photos will be automatically saved as JPG instead of HEIF.

iPhones – Scanning documents

Documents can be scanned via an iPhone and you can use this function to add signatures. Instructions on how to do this can be found below.

  • Open ‘Notes’ and either select a note or create a new one.
  • Tap the camera button then tap ‘Scan Documents’      
  • Place the document to be scanned in view of your camera.
  • If your phone utilises ‘Auto’ mode, your document will automatically scan.
  • If your phone is in ‘Manual’ mode, tap the shutter button. Then drag the corners to adjust the scan to fit the page.
  • Now tap ‘Keep Scan,


By default, your android phone will take pictures in jpg or jpeg formats. If uploading directly from your phone into our evidence upload form, there is no need to change the format. The quality and size of these images will vary depending on your camera settings.


Document files that are accepted are:

  • doc or docx (Opened using Microsoft word)
  • pdf (portable document format opened in Adobe)
  • rtf (rich text format typically opened in Microsoft word)
  • txt (Opened using Notepad)
  • xls or xlsx (Opened using Microsoft Excel)

Document files can be changed to different formats using the ‘Save as’ function on desktops and laptops.