Partly Occupied Property

(Also referred to as Section 44a relief)

Business rate relief may be available if you partially occupy a commercial property for a short period of time

Typical reasons why this relief might be available are:

  • your business is moving into a property gradually, over a period of months
  • your business is moving out of a property gradually, over a period of months, or
  • your business has had to relocate temporarily and parts of the premises are unoccupied.

How to apply

You will need to complete a general enquiry form for your local council (links below) and include the following information:

  • An explanation of the circumstances leading to your business part occupying the premises.
  • A clear floor plan identifying the occupied and unoccupied parts of the premises.
  • The dates from which partial occupation of the property began, and when the property is likely to be fully occupied or fully unoccupied.


General Enquiry Contact Forms