Other Exemptions
Some properties are exempt from Council Tax.
Occupied properties are exempt if:
- They are student halls of residence
- They are occupied by students only
- All residents are under the age of 18
- To the residents have diplomatic privilege or immunity
- The property is an annex occupied by a dependant relative
Unoccupied properties are exempt if:
- They are owned by a charity
- The liable persons are detained or are resident in a care home
- The liable person is deceased
- The occupation of the property is prohibited by law
- The property is held for a minister of religion
- The liable people are away giving or receiving care
- The property has been left empty by a student
- A repossession order has been granted on the property
- The liable person is bankrupt
- It is a pitch or mooring that is left empty
- It is an annex that cannot be let or sold separately to the main property
To apply for a reduction or discount visit our Do it online page, choose your council and then select Apply for Discounts and Exemption.